Introducing: My Collaboration with Milton and King!
Ever since I started painting the canvas panels for our bags seven years ago customers admired the designs hanging on the walls and suggested they would make great wall paper. More often I would agree although it would take some very brave people to decorate with the loudest of those designs!
So the world works in wonderful ways…… out of the blue I received a phone call from a super nice guy called Bryce. He introduced himself as part owner to a family business called Milton and King. An Australian wallpaper company. He and his brother Richard started the business operating from their shed in Toowoomba Queensland in 2008. I love a great start up story and I immediately felt drawn to Bryces sincere love of what they produce, the industry and his passion for being innovative and leaders in their field. A story full of fails and successes which I could relate to. Bryce was keen to express his interest in my work and suggested maybe the international market was ready for something as bold and vibrant as what we do. Bryce and I chatted colours, interiors and design for a good hour and well, the wall paper designs just rolled from there! Having this opportunity has brought to life a few very nostalgic designs, think nana floral prints and vintage Australiana tea towels, then add a couple of punchy abstract designs, a chevron pattern for the not so faint of heart and then a mural piece that turns a whole wall into a painting.
I feel super excited to see how these wall papers are interpreted into people's spaces and even commercial environments where the energy needs a little lift! Milton and King have replicated the colours beautifully and captured the depth, detail and layers in the work. With pastels, brights and florals, I hope the series offers something for everyone, for the lover of the tiff brand or just those who want to transform their space into something other than boring!
The collection will be available to browse via tiffmanuell.com here and available to purchase directly from Milton and King's website.
I can't wait to see how you style these wallpapers, if you feel so inclined, pretty please tag @tiffmanuell and @miltonandking so we can take a stickybeak at your wall transformations!
With love, Tiff x